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WHONET has modules for laboratory configuration, data entry, data analysis, public health reporting, and data encryption among others. WHONET also includes a data import software called BacLink for the capture and standardization of data from existing desktop applications, laboratory instruments, and laboratory information systems to avoid the need for double-entry of data.

This feature includes the following sections.
WHONET Laboratory configuration text

WHONET Laboratory configuration

This feature includes the following sections.
Data entry text

Data entry and clinical reporting

This feature includes the following sections.
Data analysis and report generation Data analysis and report generation

This feature includes the following sections.
Data export to surveillance networks text WHONET GLASS Standard configuration WHONET GLASS Minimal configuration

This feature includes the following sections.
Support for CLSI human (M100, M45, M60, M61, access free resources) and veterinary (VET01, VET03, VET04, and VET06) antimicrobial susceptibility test breakpoints CLSI-guidlines

This feature includes the following sections.
Support for EUCAST human antimicrobial susceptibility test breakpoints. EUCAST veterinary breakpoints are in development. EUCAST-guidlines

This feature includes the following sections.
New option for saving WHONET data as SQLite files WHONET Support for SQLite

This feature includes the following sections.
BacLink getting started

BacLink new format BacLink new configuration BacLink Preconfigured file structures