Release notes

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  • Fixes an issue printing second-line antibiotics in clinical reports.
  • Improves the description for broiler and layer chicken animal species.

  • Corrects the Ukranian translations for Male and Female.
  • Updates the AWS and OpenXML libraries.

  • Restore the ability to delete rows in the location editor.
  • Update all of the TST data set to use 2020 as the year instead of the year 2000 to facilitate the demonstration of data exports which had incompatibile restrictions.
  • Base the Salmonella profile in the TST configuration on the TST One Health data file.
  • Update the TST One Health data file to distribute isolates among valid InFARM data codes.
  • Remove human fields from the SILAB BacLink configuration.
  • Add the SILAB fields to the general Veterinary list.

  • Restore missing QC ranges for EUCAST 2024.

  • Fixes an issue processing breakpoints in legacy breakpoint mode which impacted the serovar groups for E. coli, N. meningitidis, and H. influenzae.

  • Updates the data fields and code lists for the ALIS BacLink import configuration.
  • Adds the new institution column from the ASIARS-Net protocol to the corresponding BacLink import.

  • Implements the EARS-Vet configuration and export.
  • Updates the drug list and adds interpretation reporting restrictions to the GLASS-Fungi export.
  • Prevent the user from accessing the location editor form when the location data field is not included in the configuration (EGASP configurations, for example).
  • Prevent InFARM Model B data rows where N_AST = 0.

  • Implements additional drug/bug/specimen combinations for GLASS AMR and Individual exports.
  • Adds institution to the ASIARS-Net export.

  • Corrects an issue generating the GLASS-AMR samples statistics when the software was in other languages.

  • Refactor the main BacLink processing loop to leverage the TextFieldParser type. Improves reliability for edge cases.
  • Update the installer package to WiX 5.
  • Adds the E. coli TriCycle configuration generator to the main menu.
  • Only display antibiotic potency/guideline differences when adding disk drugs during configuration.
  • Updates the Spanish translation for "Update laboratory".

  • Ensure that ASM laboratories are set to human by default.
  • Prevents configuration file processing problems when certain local codes contained unexpected characters.
  • Fixes conditional antibiotic reporting when printing from table view or data files.

  • Adds CLSI drugs Cefpirome and Ceftobiprole (30ug).
  • Adds quality control ranges for these drugs.

  • Adds nicu and picu to the list of codes for PEDSICU in EARS-Net/CAESAR exports. These codes are no longer valid, but older data may have them.
  • Harmonize the data field configuration section in 'Create a lab from a data file' with the standard configuration.
  • Fix a bug populating the GLASS infection origin when an explicit override data field is present in the data file.

  • Revises ASM data field template.
  • Updates CLSI M100 breakpoints after thorough comparison with a new electronic resource (CLSI BIT).
  • Implements a special feature to populate key InFARM data fields using the formatted input file name when applicable.

  • Adds Hemolymph, Hepatopancreas, and Intestine to the soft tissue specimen category in the epidemiology report.
  • Fixes issues with auto-configured code dictionaries in BacLink.
  • Improves SQLite and dBASE code lists/dictionaries in BacLink.

  • Corrects an issue with the "Find" feature on data entry after existing "table editing" mode.
  • Updates the InFARM animal species code list for BacLink imports.
  • Use UTF-8 as the default file encoding for fixed text, delimited text, and InFARM text imports in BacLink.

  • Update the additional ASM breakpoints provided when creating or updating this laboratory type.
  • Sort InFARM antibiotics by method, then drug name.
  • Adds InFARM antibiotic panels.
  • InFARM labs will default to using the dynamic breakpoint approach.
  • Improves internal parsing routines for BacLink and WHONET.

  • Adds a basic output display for InFARM exports.
  • Allows the user to select multiple data fields while adding fields to their configuration in BacLink and WHONET.
  • Improve the "Check for update" feature.
  • Add the "Check for updates" feature to BacLink's help menu.
  • Fixes a problem introduced in the previous release where the BacLink configuration's code page setting would be overwritten if the configuration was opened in the file structure form.

  • WHO GLASS EGASP - Adjust the code list for laboratory confirmed STIs.
  • FAO InFARM - Rely on the 3 key data fields alone to determine isolate inclusion. Drops ORIGIN field restriction.
  • FAO InFARM - Certain animal species were not being properly matched.

  • WHO EGASP: Ensure that the "prior antibiotic use" code list matches the protocol (code list likely to be standardized in a future EGASP version).
  • Allow data field lengths up to 255 characters in BacLink and WHONET.
  • Clean up the One Health sample data specimen numbers.

  • Updates the ASM configuration template and code lists.
  • Provides new sample patient IDs for the environmental isolates in the test OneHealth database.
  • Make the serotype field visible in isolate listings for the WHO TST configuration.
  • Prevent checkboxes on the InFARM export options page from overlapping the drop down in certain languages.

  • Fixes a problem with the OpenXml library.
  • Add restrictions related to the I?, NS? and SDD? categories to the WHO line listing exports.

  • Add an encrypted patient ID to the PAHO export.
  • Correct the interpretation logic to ensure that I? and SDD? can only occur when there is no associated S breakpoint.
  • Removes proxy reporting comments in clinical report printouts.
  • Adds FDA breakpoints to CLSI 2024 where they were not defined by CLSI.

  • Adds a button to the EARS-Net feedback report to allow the user to save the output.
  • Adds support for the Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCX) species group.
  • Broaden the applicability of the Burkholderia cepacia complex breakpoints to utilize the new code, which captures more organisms.
  • Fixes a problem loading the radio buttons for test results vs. interpretations on the resistance profiles and cluster alerts analysis options forms.
  • Fixes a problem where the panel selection would not be displayed in the associated drop-down menu while loading an isolate in data entry.
  • WHO GLASS-AMR: Ensure that the new interpretation categories are properly tallied with the GLASS statistics (I?, NS?, SDD, SDD?).

  • Implements changes to the FAO InFARM systems in BacLink and WHONET. Adds the DATA_YEAR and DATA_REP fields. Allows the user to filter independently on each of the three key variables (DATA_YEAR, DATA_REP, SURV_PROG).

  • Fixes a problem adding data fields in WHONET where the default origin specifications would be overriden.
  • Adds a restriction to the FAO InFARM export for origin = animal, food, or environment.
  • Add the SURV_PROG field to the TST configuration and data file. Ensures that InFARM exports can work with the One Health TST data file.

  • Updates CLSI and EUCAST breakpoints, quality control, intrinsic resistance, etc. to 2024.
  • Adds interpretation types to BacLink: NS, SDD
  • Adds interpretation types to WHONET: I?, SDD, SDD?, NS?

  • Fixes the "proprietary" and "proprietary fixed" behavior for BacLink configurations. These values control which details a user is permitted to edit based on the "file structure" setting.
  • Treat "0" as a missing result in BacLink (as if the value were empty) unless the corresponding setting to "treat 0mm as 6mm" is enabled.
  • Corrects a problem reading InFARM file headers when loading a sample data file.
  • Use the same sort sequence that WHONET uses for BacLink's list of available data field modules.
  • Adds support for SQLite code lists and dictionaries in BacLink.
  • Adds the ability to ignore codes permanently during BacLink code mapping.
  • Adds the "Surveillance Program" field to InFARM configurations. This field is intended to be set to a fixed value by the user (information not available in the source data file).

  • Corrects a problem with the isolate alert summary which would cause incorrect rules to be flagged.
  • Add messages to the FAO InFARM model A and B export which provide more information (no isolates, unable to generate output, etc.)
  • Corrects a problem with BacLink that could cause missing antibiotic results for certain file structures including BD Phoenix.

  • WHO GLASS Fungal export: Replace generic "CANSPP" pathogen code with the WHONET organism codes instead.
  • WHO GLASS Fungal export: Organism "cps" is now "kma".
  • Fixes a problem printing the sample clinical report when there was only one report per page.
  • Improve the message indicating invalid selections on the "one per patient" dialog.

  • Fixes a problem running "create/update a lab from a data file" when multiple labs have the same code (differing only on the country code).

  • Adds cluster alerts by municipality and by municipality + location to the ASM Excel report.

  • Includes ASM reports (Word and Excel) in Quick Analysis.
  • The data file selection form will display the "last modified time" instead of the "last accessed time" for files.
  • Bug fix for BacLink configurations that didn't have the new other and unknown code sets defined.

  • Refactor and improve the WHO GLASS Individual and Fungal exports. Create "samples" files associated with each export automatically.
  • Updates the EARS-Net antibiotics for 2024.
  • Completes functionality for mapping sex codes to "other" and "unknown" in BacLink.
  • Adds a new serotype for Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 15B/C.
  • The "Update a laboratory from a data file" feature will no longer automatically update all breakpoints. Newly-added drugs will continue to have the most up to date breakpoints.
  • Adds an FAO TST configuration and sample data file to WHONET.

  • Synchronize the code list and dictionary options in BacLink. When a code list is provided, enable the code dictionary if it is disabled, and provide default settings to match the code list.
  • Updates terminology for "All Enterobacterales" (to replace "All Enterobactereacea")
  • Update terminology for "Microbiological alerts" (to replace "Isolate alerts")
  • Adds FAO as a new country code for demonstration purposes.
  • Encrypt the ID_ANIMAL, ID_SAMPLE and ID_ISOLATE fields for InFARM exports automatically.

  • Modifications to support FAO-InFARM Model A & B exports.
  • Adds several new organisms.

  • InFARM filters isolates on the surveillance program field instead of using fine-grained filters to determine relevant isolates.
  • EGASP "retested" field's value set has changed to 1, 2, 9 instead of 0, 1, 9.

  • "Intensive care unit" was hidden from view on the default "location type" list.
  • Removes "Intermediate care unit" from the "location type" list.

  • Adds Bordetella pertussis and parapertussis to the "common" WHONET organism list.
  • Adds Bordetella sp. to the list of "organism groups" for selection in data analysis.
  • Make the InFARM data year drop down list appear in reverse-chronological order so that the current year is the default selection.

  • Corrects MicroScan organism code dictionaries for Staphylococcus haemolyticus.
  • Improve the handling of Excel data values with mixed data types.
  • Adds a new code (ECO) for selecting all Escherichia coli variants.
  • Implements draft changes to the InFARM exports.
  • Corrects a problem generating the EGASP monitoring report.

  • Adds 3 additional organisms to WHONET. Acinetobacter lactucae, Acinetobacter guillouiae, and Enterobacter ludwigii

  • Minor change to the graph options Cancel buttonn.

  • Improves the InFARM model A and B exports. (Still remain draft versions)
  • Fixes a problem in BacLink code mapping due to missing work related to the department and ward type code lists.

  • Draft changes to the InFARM Model B export.

  • Implements draft version of WHO GLASS EGASP 2.0 protocol and monitoring report.

  • Correct BacLink's CLSI master antibiotic dictionary. "NOV5" was incorrectly changed to "5-Nov" by Excel presuming it represented a date.

  • Includes development versions of FAO InFARM model A and B support.
  • Moves many built-in code lists from source objects to text files. This allows us to more easily make changes to these lists, and allows others to use them.
  • Fixes an issue where editing the breakpoint table in another language would save the breakpoint type incorrectly in that language in the config file.

  • Fixes Chinese (simplified and tradational) translations for MIC and Etest.

  • Retain zero % susceptibility values in the epidemiology antibiogram report when appropriate.

  • Add EUCAST potencies for Lefamulin and Nitroxoline.
  • Change the description for the included TST configuration's "Cardiac" ward to "Cardiology"
  • Always allow the user the choose an Excel sheet name when selecting a sample data file in BacLink configuration.

  • Prevent an error reading some Excel header rows with non-text header names.

  • Fix problem reading Excel files with single quotes in the file name.

  • Updates the ASIARS-Net BacLink import. Adds a field for the sample submission date.
  • Utilize the sample submission date field in the WHONET->ASIARS-Net export when this field is present. Continue to use the specimen collection date when it is not available.

  • Corrects an issue where certain genera would not utilize their breakpoints in "legacy" breakpoint mode.
  • Adds organisms: Phocaeicola vulgatus (renamed from Bacteroides), Phocaeicola spp., Parabacteroides spp.

  • Incorporate the ASIARS-Net parser into BacLink.
  • Fixes the feature notifying users who have mapped codes in BacLink that they need to re-run the conversion.
  • "Font" was included in the message displayed after resetting the preferences. This was removed.

  • When the patient ID was encrypted, but missing from the data, the substitute (patient name) was being shortened prior to encryption. This caused patients with slightly different names to still have the same encrypted pattient ID.
  • Also apply a lowercase function to the substituted patient ID (patient name) so that patient names that only differ on capitalization render the same encrypted ID as likely intended. John Smith and john smith should produce the same encrypted patient ID when the real patient ID was missing from the data set.
  • Update the GLASS organism table in the epidemiology report to include GLASS 2.0 pathogens and specimen types.

  • Broaden the EUCAST Pasteurella multocida breakpoints to apply to all Pasteurella spp.

  • Corrects CLSI disk breakpoints for Haemophilus influenzae and parainfluenzae and Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole.
  • Corrects CLSI MIC breakpoints for Enterobacterales and Ampicillin/Sublactam.
  • Few changes to the country list and translations.

  • Updates the display name for some countries. Adds Kosovo.
  • Fixes SILAB Excel BacLink imports and adds the missing DATE_RECVD field.
  • Updates the sample One Health database to make sure all isolates are from the first 6 months of the year to improve tables and graphs.
  • Fixes an issue with the AMASS report and PDF output option in quick analysis.

  • Replaces the library used for JSON manipulation with Jil.
  • Recover the BacLink main screen's control when there is an error while reading the configuration file.
  • Adds carbapenem drugs to SALSPP-stool at WHO's request.

  • Fixes a problem with the tab indexes and drug order when chaning panels on data entry.
  • Removes 'sharing' property from certain DHIS2 JSON metadata elements.

  • Fixes an error if an antibiotic result was entered before the organism was selected.

  • Adds new GLASS-AMR specimen types to the WHONET-DHIS2 export.

  • The file name was missing from a certain pop-up message which indicates an invalid data file.

  • Corrects the SignalSeriesSummary view for CLUSTER roll-up databases.
  • Ensure that user-defined drugs receive interpretations in data entry.

  • Updates to the WHO GLASS AMR protocol v2.0.

  • Corrects a problem reading antibiotics for some Excel imports in BacLink.

  • Ensure that certain message boxes are only shown interactively.

  • Removes the ATC code associated with CEPH2 drugs from the GLASS RIS output.

  • Adds a pop-up message to notify the user when the BacLink config save was successful.
  • Fixes a problem where the user couldn't delete breakpoints through the interface.
  • Corrects a problem during BacLink processing for some fields.

  • Removes the antibiotic category codes from the %RIS file for GLASS.
  • Adds the new data field "number infected" to the GLASS samples file.
  • Corrects a problem choosing the best breakpoint in certain situations while using "legacy" breakpoint mode.

  • Corrects an issue for screen outputs where columns could be incorrectly hidden by default.
  • Make sure that the cluster number and signal number columns are always visible.
  • Ignore "Cluster summary" setting unless the isolate summary is enabled.
  • Ensure that the correct set of profile drugs are retained through the end of a cluster analysis which includes the profile.
  • Properly handle the latitude/longitude file for SaTScan analyses when provided.

  • Fixes a problem with the isolate filters for certain fields (Age and other non-standard text fields).
  • BacLink will now retain and prompt for unmatched codes when the user cancels a conversion.

  • Corrects a problem adding drugs.

  • Use "0.0001" instead of "0.001" for off-scale MIC S breakpoints. The intent is that no real measurement will be reported as susceptible. They should all be I/SDD.

  • Fixes an incompatibility with the summary report shown after an EARS-Net export and the new version 3 schema.

  • Adds documentation for the EGASP module.
  • Disables the "Print isolates" feature in data entry.

  • Implements a fix for Excel compatibility on some computers.

  • Corrects a problem updating breakpoints on some computers.
  • Fixes an issue in BacLink which would inappropriately ask you to define codes for user-defined fields.
  • Adds a few more MALDI-TOF organisms.

  • Adds language support for Portuguese (Brazil).

  • Adds a BacLink import file structure for "ALIS".
  • Converts a few field descriptions from "Species" to "Animal species".

  • Add new languages to WHONET and BacLink: Armenian, Chinese (Traditional), Irish, Macedonian, Malay, Swahili and Urdu.
  • Translates more Norwegian phrases.
  • Fixes translation for "Exit" in some languages.

  • Improve some translations.
  • Correct SILAB defaults for BacLink.
  • Make the origin type "Environment" fully operational in the data field editor and data entry.
  • Translate macro and report titles associated with standard reports.
  • Make two passes during SaTScan signal consolidation to catch rare situations.

  • Add 2023 CLSI & EUCAST breakpoints, quality control, expected resistance phenotypes, etc.
  • Updates the EARS-Net export format to version 3.
  • Adds new organisms and organism groups.
  • Adds a new feature to notify the user when they open a laboratory configuration that could have its breakpoints updated.
  • Translation improvements.
  • Improvements to the TST antibiotic list and configuration file.
  • Expands the profile description to use full three-letter codes for antibiotics.

  • Improves data entry form view editing regarding saving/cancelling changes.
  • Prevent alert pop-ups from appearing when a user edits an existing isolate.
  • Notify the user if they have asked to save, but there are no changes.

  • Don't display warning messages when there is only one field in the BacLink input file row.

  • If "Date of Admission" is missing from the configuration, allow the GLASS-AMR export to proceed.
  • Translates "Data protection" on the WHONET data field configuration screen.

  • Fixes a problem in BacLink code mapping when using the search feature to filter codes before entering the mapping screen.

  • Corrects a problem using isolate date filters when blank values are encountered.

  • Use the "EGASP Laboratory" field for the export instead of the WHONET laboratory code.
  • Fixes a problem generating summary graphs when "Resistance profile" was the variable.
  • Ensure that potentially long-running file/folder open/save dialogs have wait cursors to indicate activity if these take a while to launch.

  • Refines EGASP data field names and other terminology.

  • Renames several EGASP fields.
  • EGASP report will list all rows for descriptive analyses, even if no records are of this type.
  • Correct missing TGC results in EARS-Net report.
  • Make the code definition form in BacLink wider to accomodate the long button text.

  • Minor improvements to the EGASP data monitoring report.
  • Improves the error log, dialog and email messages.

  • Fixes a problem launching a BacLink conversion from the main screen.

  • Updates the WHO EGASP export and adds an Excel-based report.
  • Improves handling of dates in Excel BacLink input files.

  • Fixes a problem generating the Word reports in Quick Analysis.

  • Convert default text exports to CSV format for easier Excel interoperability.
  • Corrects a problem applying breakpoint hierarchy for some configurations.
  • Fixes an issue where conditional antibiotic reporting would not work for MIC or Etest drugs in data entry using the F8 key.
  • Adds or updates a few missing EUCAST breakpoints for spn (OXA, PEN), and several Staphylococci (OXA, FOX).
  • Make sure that a default origin is set in data entry when an isolate is loaded that is missing this value.

  • Allow the reports that drive the Word documents to continue processing subsequent macros when there is an error with one of them. This can happen when the user is missing a required field for the analysis. We will attempt to generate the document with the information we have.
  • Adds special logic to rename the MIC and Etest labels for EGASP laboratories in data entry to align with their intended uses.
  • Refactor the "Compare file structure" form to correct a problem with the automatic sizing on form load.
  • Highlight newly added or existing fields in the associated field list when the user adds them to the clinical report.

  • Automatically run the profile generation form and accept its recommendations when creating a lab from a data file.
  • Updates the WHO link on the about page.
  • Corrects a problem determining field widths when a multi-part analysis was run.

  • Fixes issues comparing non-ASCII characters in certain key places in BacLink.
  • Fixes issues processing the last isolate and antibiotics for certain Excel files in BacLink.
  • Improves and translates the profile generator form. Run it automatically when "creating a lab from a data file."
  • Enlarge some UI controls which were too narrow for certain languages.

  • Fixes issues processing dates and antibiotics with Excel files in BacLink.
  • Improves column width calculation for numeric fields in analysis display.
  • Switches to JSON metadata instead of XML for DHIS2. XML support has been dropped.
  • Automatically reset the critical system paths if the specified path doesn't exist.
  • Displays the WHONET configuration file name in the "open laboratory" dialog.
  • Upgrades SQLite packages to the latest version.

  • Ensure that breakpoint type is considered correctly while determining the primary breakpoints. Don't override across breakpoint types.
  • Adds a few Sensititre export organism maps.
  • Mark all of the human specimen types in the animal category as well.

  • Use the ACE driver to access all Excel file types.
  • Improves the file structure form behavior when changing between formats.
  • Syncronize the department and location types for BacLink with those in WHONET.
  • Handle Excel column names with extra spaces.
  • Prompt the user to choose a sheet name when a sample file is selected that doesn't match the configuration.

  • Generate the master organism list for BacLink from the live set of organisms rather than maintaining a static list.

  • Improves general BacLink processing performance.
  • Improves the new SENAITE import structure. Adds sample antibiotic and organism lists.
  • Replaces the Quick Analysis "date range selection" form.

  • Updates Sensititre (Export) organism mappings.

  • Improves handling of BacLink Excel files with table names containing spaces.

  • Adds several new preliminary BacLink import file structures.
    • Direct support for Microsoft Excel
    • Sensititre Export
    • BLIS
    • DisaLab
    • HISP India DHIS2
    • LabBook
    • SILAB
  • Adds a new EGASP export and pre-defined configuration.

  • Updates "Peptostreptococcus prevotii" to its new name of "Anaerococcus prevotii".
  • Adds an organism code for "No Group A streptococci found".
  • Adds two new fields for "Local department code" and "Local location type code" for use with BacLink.

  • Prevent duplicate EULAs from being displayed during installation.
  • Fixes a problem with the automatic profile generator when two configs had the same lab code.
  • Incorporate the automatic profile generator into the "create or update laboratory from a data file" sequence.

  • Adds support for ASIARS-Net (JANIS) facility code overrides.
  • Include the .NET 4.8 redisributable package with WHONET. Replaces the .NET 4.5.2 package.

  • Adds the missing "Outpatient" department in the TST config.
  • For Quick Analysis report 3, run the location macro before location type.
  • Hide the macro name and isolates columns in %RIS analyses.
  • Replaces the older Word documentation with new PDF versions.

  • Upgrades to .NET 4.8
  • Updates to the TST configuration and data files. Removes unused fields.
  • Adds an option to toggle all fields during the "Create a lab from a data file" sequence.
  • Small UI changes related to ASIARS-Net/JANIS.

  • Fixes a problem while editing the clinical report heading when the configuration is missing one of the four relevant lines.

  • Fixes a problem with the epidemiology report when zero isolates have specimen dates.

  • Adds a feature to WHONET and BacLink to utilize supplemental user-defined lists of data fields.

  • Improves the Word report tables for languages other than English.

  • Reorder the MDR/XDR/PDR table in the epidemiology report first by Gram status, then organism name.

  • CSF isolates were incorrectly excluded for sau, efa and efm in EARS-Net exports.
  • Corrects a filtering problem with the serotype field in data entry when the organism was changed.
  • Fixes a problem generating graphs in Excel on some computers.

  • Enforce a restriction to only consider human breakpoints for GLASS.
  • Fixes specimen type codes that conflicted in other languages.

  • Use the specimen type numeric field in standard report macros.
  • Retranslates "Stool" as "Feces" in some languages.

  • Revert to SaTScan 9.7 to avoid problems with the Uniform model.
  • Updates certain translations by expanding the English phrase.
  • Upgrades Excel, Word and SQLite libraries.

  • Updates the TST sample data by shifting and moving the S. aureus OXA results to FOX. OXA is no longer a valid test for S. aureus.
  • Replaces OXA with FOX in the TST S. aureus resistance profile.
  • Fixes an error while trying to copy an analysis graph to the clipboard.
  • Updates some French translations.

  • Improves German translations.
  • Clean MIC input strings from additional formatting. Ex. "< = 10-SS" should be converted to "<=10".

  • Remove the specimen code "cd"/187 from the isolate filter's user interface. This code should not be used while excluding screens, which was already the case in the system, but not on the interface.

  • "Cluster number" is no longer used as the description for both the cluster and signal numbers.
  • Cluster screen outputs are sorted according to the integer cluster or signal value, rather than treating the number as text.
  • JANIS has been renamed to ASIARS-Net in WHONET.

  • Recode "Other" specimen types to "Blood" in the TST database. This prevents conflicts while following the DHIS2 training documentation.

  • Macro extension ".mcr" was missing from one of the shared standard reports which drives the EPI Word report. This caused missing data in the organism trend tables.

  • Fixes an issue where the organism name could be shown incorrectly on the epidemiology report's cluster alert graphs.

  • Show all 8 categories on the specimen type summary pie chart of the Epidemiology report.
  • Correct a table footer in the Epidemiology report.
  • Fixes a bug where the font for previously-selected data files would be smaller than new selections.

  • Convert the MDR/XDR/PDR columns to numeric values in the summary which show the count for each category. This corrects the output of the Epidemiology Word report.
  • Use a monospaced font for PROFILE and PROFLONG fields in the analysis output.

  • It is no longer necessary to encrypt the WHONET settings file because it no longer contains any information which needs protection. Removing this encryption should fix a rare issue when the settings file becomes corrupted or is transferred to another computer. When this happens, the system will now reset the settings rather than just providing an error message.

  • Improve column trimming due to low counts in the epidemiology Word report.
  • Fixes a problem with lowercase lab codes in the antibiotic profile generator.
  • Prevent an error in BacLink when changing the configuration type from "One row per method" to "Multiple".

  • In BacLink, the "OK" button will be selected automatically when a search results in exactly one result. The result is automatically selected, so moving focus to "OK" will allow the user to accept by pressing the Enter key.
  • Records the number of occurrences of new codes on a per-conversion basis in addition to the total count. If the user enters the code mapping section subsequent to a conversion, then the counts reflect only the current conversion. The full totals are still shown when the user enters code mapping from the configuration area.

  • Prevents BacLink from incorrectly alerting to new codes after a conversion.
  • Fixes a BacLink issue which would occur when an invalid file name was used for the input or output file.
  • Both the Location and Institution fields now have configurable field lengths in WHONET and BacLink.

  • Updates SaTScan to 10.0.2
  • Restore missing general breakpoints for legacy interpretations.
  • Improves BacLink conversion progress messages.
  • Improves the fitting algorithm for the first table of the epidemiology Word report.
  • The automatic antibiotic profile generator will consider all data for the current lab, instead of requiring the lab code to match.
  • Prevent the input and output file default folders from changing to lowercase.
  • Adds a wait cursor to the "add all codes to dictionary" feature in BacLink.
  • The organism mapping screen in BacLink would incorrectly highlight the first row after a search. This should only happen when the search only has a single result.

  • Organism 'som' was duplicated in the AMR resource table.

  • Fixes an issue with BacLink windows not behaving modally.
  • Adds some Portuguese Vitek codes to the master dictionary.

  • Adds 15 organisms and some related genera.

  • Fixes an analysis and export issue applicable only to labs with the country code for Slovenia.

  • WHONET now reads from the AMR Interpretation Engine's table. DRGLST1 has been removed.
  • Prefer the Non-meningitis breakpoints for GLASS exports.
  • Corrects a GLASS export problem which would occur when multiple methods were tested for EUCAST eco and AC- isolates.
  • Fixes a bug in data analysis and EARS-Net exports for Slovenia specifically.
  • Fixes a problem selecting a result when your BacLink organism code mapping search returned exactly one result.
  • Ridinilazole's code was "RID", which duplicated another drug. Changed to "RDZ".

  • Certain BacLink progress display messages were repeated between subsequent conversions.

  • Corrects a problem loading the new breakpoint tables in other languages.
  • Non-meningitis breakpoints are prioritized over others after updating breakpoints, or enabling the new engine.
  • BacLink code definition: pressing "Save list" button after an analysis would cause the application to hang.
  • Widen the "Data file structure" form and its buttons.
  • Resistance profile analysis incorrectly looked for summary columns when summary wasn't requested.

  • Adds missing prioritization of breakpoints for the legacy interpretation mode.
  • Adds suppression of STR breakpoints when an SVI breakpoint has been activated (legacy mode only, the AMRIE already does this).

  • Adds missing "first per patient" rule to the epidemiology Word report antibiogram section.
  • Adds the ability to specify user-defined breakpoints in conjunction with the new interpretation system.

  • Standardized usage of "Urinary tract infection" in the "site of infection" field for breakpoints.
  • Corrects an occasional problem with the Y-axis default scale on graphs.

  • Consolidates sample configurations and data files.
  • Makes several forms shorter to accomodate smaller screen resolutions.

  • Removes two sentences from section 1.2 of the data quality report.
  • Removes text indicating that WHONET must be reinstalled to enable other languages. All languages are now included by default.
  • Corrects an issue displaying colored cell ranges for % RIS analyses.
  • Round the value for % intermediate in the new profile utility's display.
  • Hides the extra "Maximum number tested" column from the detailed view in the profile utility configuration sequence.
  • Add a default AMR interpretation engine configuration when one has not been configured, but the mode was enabled.

  • Improvements to the new profile utility.

  • Warn the user early when they are missing a compatible Excel or Word installation during quick analysis.
  • Improved handling of multiple disk potencies when generating an EARS-Net export.
  • Removes the aba QC expert rule for Quinolones.
  • Corrects a read problem with disk breakpoints for the new interpretation system in WHONET.

  • Corrects an issue loading Signal objects from the SQLite database.

  • WHONET 2022 released!
  • Updates CLSI and EUCAST breakpoints to 2022.
  • Includes Epidemiology and Data Quality Microsoft Word reports, found on the "Quick analysis" screen.
  • Includes antibiotic profile data-driven configuration system.
  • Includes a new options for using the dynamic interpretation engine (disabled by default).

  • Searches in WHONET and BacLink work without requiring the user to enter accents and diacritics.

  • Many translation improvements.

  • Adds a feature to install and manage additional languages.
  • Corrects several translations.

  • More revisions to the organism list.

  • Adds select new organisms to WHONET.

  • Substitute the default configuration directory if the specified path does not exist.

  • BacTrack isolate counting corrected.

  • Profiles will no longer be automatically copied during configuration. This still takes place during analysis if no profile has been defined.
  • Adds missing French translation for Umbilicus.

  • Adds an option to check/uncheck all items on the "Modify file structure" form.
  • Handle the “≤” and “≥” symbols in BacLink and WHONET.

  • Upgrades WHONET and BacLink to .NET 4.5.2
  • Fixes resistance profile summary percentage of patients calculation when "Omit when missing abx" feature was enabled.
  • Adds laboratory type (Human vs Human, animal, food) radio buttons to "Create a lab from a data file".
  • Fixes an issue where changing the organism in data entry would only display the primary interpretation for antibiotics.

  • Corrects an issue where %R? percentages were not added to the corresponding %R value in the RIS analysis output graph.
  • Calculate the %S 95% confidence interval and include it in tabular and graphical outputs.
  • Allow True/False columns to be sorted in analysis output.
  • Corrects an issue where excluding a code in an isolate filter which contains parentheses would cause the corresponding macro to be improperly parsed.
  • Fixes an issue on the conditional antibiotic reporting form when the corresponding panel contains zero antibiotics.
  • Corrects a problem summarizing data by quarter when multiple years are present.

  • Corrects issues reading and writing to user-defined BacLink dictionaries.

  • Skip invalid dictionary entries in BacLink.
  • Add an option to print the clinical message on a clinical report for applicable expert rules.
  • Move the "Conditional antibiotic reporting" option to the "Modify clinical report" dialog sequence.

  • Fixes an issue opening the user-defined breakpoint screen.
  • Ensure that DHIS2 codes are standardized to lowercase before export.

  • Handle multiple EUCAST Ceftriaxone and Cefotaxime breakpoints for E. coli in the GLASS export.

  • Handle multiple Levofloxacin breakpoints for Salmonella ssp. in the GLASS export.
  • Add information about which fields are in conflict when there is a problem exporting to dBASE.

  • Adds buttons to clear the primary and supplementary antibiotic profile selections.

  • BacLink: Adds more default values to the Male, Female, Resistant, Intermediate, and Susceptible code lists.

  • Adds Mycobacterium intracellulare ss. chimaera to the organism list.
  • Fixes an error in cluster alerts analyses if the user has selected organisms which generate discordant antibiotic profiles.

  • The data entry's "Origin" section's heading will update based on the "Origin" list selection.
  • Improves handling of invalid paths/file names.
  • Do not automatically update the age category when the age changes unless the isolate is of human origin.
  • Fixes an issue in data entry grid view mode if the screen was not minimized. The data grid was incorrectly placed.
  • Updates the data entry form to use a grid for the data codes. Improves appearance and allows sorting.

  • Organism "spu" was missing its Streptococcus genus designation. Caused applicable breakpoints to be incorrect.
  • Organism "cd+" was incorrectly coded as "cdf+", which would have blocked certain breakpoints.
  • %RIS and data entry will now display "(None)" in the relevant area when there are no applicable breakpoints.

  • Corrects an issue in cluster alerts outputs which would potentially show too many signal isolates in very narrow circumstances.

  • MDR/XDR/PDR: updated text for "Ignore isolate" to "Insufficient data".
  • MDR/XDR/PDR rules no longer report "Ignore isolate"/"Insufficient data" for other organisms.
  • BacLink code dictionaries now have no restriction on the code length.
  • CLUSTER isolate listing sorts in a better order.
  • Fixes bug in code mapping with incorrectly-escaped characters.
  • Change selection mode on code dictionary editor to allow single-cell edits.

  • Expands the MDR/XDR/PDR definition to better match the ECDC rules.

  • Incorporates the "View SQLite database" feature from BacLink into WHONET.
  • Removes the doubled warning when a file is about to be overwritten.
  • Improves the progress messages on Quick Analysis.
  • Fixes a problem which would cause some column headers to be interpreted as numbers in Excel.
  • Cleans up the CLSI Staphylococcus breakpoints. Removes outdated tests which are no longer recommended.
  • Other various breakpoint cleanup

  • BacLink: Access table names were not utilized correctly when loading a sample data file.
  • Removes extraneous quotations in the organism resource file.

  • Cluster alerts analyses which included 'Resistance profile' were missing some of their summary data.
  • Adds Acinetobacter radioresistens.

  • Fixes a problem in data entry with MIC values like "<=.25" in certain languages.

  • Integrates DHIS2 exports into Quick Analysis.
  • Adds the ability to display a chart legend for certain analyses.
  • Fixes chart-selection highlighting. Opposing control has highlighting removed when the new selection is made.
  • Adds 2 new specimen types (Gastronomy site, Buttock)
  • New labs will have "MRSA" instead of "MRSA_SCRN" included in their configurations.
  • Corrects a rare problem in cluster summary table generation.

  • GLASS-Fungal HospitalUnitType is exported in uppercase by WHO request.

  • GLASS-Fungal export uses the standard WHONET code set for HospitalUnitType.

  • Format integer and long fields as "numbers without decimal places" rather than "General" when exporting to Excel.
  • Deletes Human breakpoints for TIL, SPT, ERN.
  • BacLink will no longer warn about "fewer columns than expected".
  • WHONET isolate filters no longer incorrectly warns about "values not on the code list" for free-text fields which do not have a code list.
  • WHONET isolate filters "move right" button will not work unless there is an associated code list.
  • WHONET analysis output's "Save table" and "Save graph" buttons default to the Output folder.
  • Fixes a bug in isolate alerts which would not flag isolates as "!" in some situations.

  • Corrects spelling of "Polymixin" in the antibiotic list.
  • Adds EUCAST Florfenicol cattle breakpoint.
  • Adds SQLite as an output choice for Quick Analysis standard and user-defined reports.

  • BacLink: Corrects a problem if the configuration directory had no configuration files, but the "Browse" button was pressed for input or output files.

  • Corrects a problem if the wrong number of command-line arguments were passed to BacLink.

  • Moves Quick analysis BacTrack temporary file to the Temp directory instead of root.
  • Allow user-defined profiles to be selected for cluster alerts in macro mode.
  • Fixes a problem which would have blocked S? and R? results from reaching the EARS-Net exports and variants as S and R respectively.
  • Newly-discovered BacLink codes were not displayed in the progress area correctly.
  • Improves the "Upgrade a laboratory to EUCAST" feature.

  • Expert rule for Streptococcus pneumoniae fluoroquinolones updated to narrow the rule to resistant isolates only.

  • Multithreaded BacLink conversion process.

  • Includes 2021 breakpoints and QC ranges for the following documents:
    • CLSI: M100, M60, M61, VET01
    • EUCAST: bacteria
  • Fixes BacTrack-related error message during the Quick Analysis standard report.
  • No longer bundles the Access Database Engine with the WHONET installer.
  • Validitiy check in standard report incorrectly flagged dates beyond 2020 as invalid.

  • Enlarge the Quick Analysis status message area.
  • Improves the antibiotic profile editor and subform interfaces.
  • SaTScan options would not retain MaxSpatialSizeInPopulation setting when saving a macro.
  • Regenerate automatic translations using AWS. Corrects a bug in the auto-translation program which truncated some translations.